I Forget

“I sometimes forget
that I was created for Joy.

My mind is too busy.
My heart is too heavy
for me to remember
that I have been
Called to dance
the sacred dance of life.

I was created to smile.
To Love.
To be lifted up
and lift up others.

O’ Sacred One
untangle my feet
from all that ensnares.
Free my soul
that we might
And that our dancing
might be contagious.”


Photo: Archbishop Desmond Tutu

My Birthday

I was held…
caring wishes, cards
a lunch
a garden solar lantern
expressions of appreciation
Our oneness, my belonging

May I remember
reach out, connect
It’s ok to be awkward
OK to be me

It’s not OK to stay separate out of
fear and shame.
Strong back, open heart

Welcome my friends,
those I know and
those to come


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Picture from Tiffany Shlain, Declaration of Interdependence

Ode to Love

What’s love got to do with it?
Old Tina asked
You know,

when I‘m
running my hand down
your soft back, relaxing, sighing
while you gently purr.

when I‘m
crying, reading
about someone
hurt, attacked, Dehumanized…

when I‘m
looking at the sky, jaw dropped
at the everyday awesomeness
of changing clouds and sun

when I‘m
feeling Joyful at seeing
a crown of purple violets
growing in the middle of the first snow

when I‘m
showing up and
holding the space
for you to do the same

What’s love got to do with it?

To love!
Our connection
Our Life

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This moment

In this moment I am
Angry, grieving, scared

I breath and center
I am fine

But then it starts again

I wasn’t prepared for the
insensitivity, hatred, fear mongering

I doubt if that’s even possible

I’m older and the significance of that
Is now sinking in

Embodying older not just knowing about it

Time to put to the test what I say I believe:
Oneness, love, sacredness of this moment

Accept, listen, trust, focus on the good

I am responsible for the energy I bring into this world. And so it is!

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The Closing of a Year

It’s the end of the year. Here are some words of wisdom I’m taking with me.

Love is for giving.
Forgiving is Love.

All systems that isolate and separate are incomplete and misleading.

Dignity is the capacity to feel my inherent value simply because I exist. Dignity is the seat of agency, of choice.

To be resilient is to be engaged, creative, adaptive and relational.

If a man/woman has shown you who he/she is, why would you expect/want him/her to change? Let them be.

The most important law of the Universe is the law of love because it about relationship. Our Universe is innately related, every part to every other part, and to the whole.
…The Breath of the Universe, Dr.Jude Carrivan

Every act/thought has a consequence to the whole.
I need to be responsible for the energy I bring into a space.

Listen for what is mine to do….and do it.

In Joy Life!

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Now is the time to anchor!

In the whirlwind of change
Stand tall
Root in the Earth
Breath into your heart
Feel inward.

From this place
Open your eyes
And see.

When drawn out of yourself by another’s fears, the events, pain of the world, pull back into your own center.

Your gift to the world is you
Rooted in what is true.
Your inner knowing
Connected to the Universal Truth.

Cultivate presence, meditate, contemplate life, pray, dance, sing, walk in nature…..
Now is the time.

Be Here Now

So you’re here
What good is it
if you’re unhappy
Be present
This seems
the first step

But then, what’s next?

Accept what is
Stop fighting it, judging it, telling stories about it

Notice what you’re feeling
Where in your body do you feel it?
How do you feel about you when you’re feeling this?
Listen to your inner voice
Let it occur to you,
what’s mine to do?

Breath, move, yell, dance….

So simple
So hard

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The Genuine

Man, sometimes it takes a long time to sound like yourself.“ ~Miles Davis

When we start, we make sounds but we’re surrounded by others who are also making sounds. We listen. They tell us how to play, tell us what we should sound like. They argue among themselves about the right way to play. So we play. If we can, we play with others. Some of us find ourselves playing in a jazz group, others in a symphony, others in an alley behind where we live, and still others play alone in the shelter of the woods.

Overtime we begin to notice what feels natural. Our music starts flowing through us. The notes start coming from deeper place, somewhere inside. And we begin to appreciate that this is what we’re here to play. It’s our music. We appreciate other’s music but we don’t try to play like them. And we don’t tell them to play like us.

We develop confidence, not because others approve or because they change but because we know it is our music to play regardless of results. This is faith.

Only in “the cave of the heart,” as the mystics are fond of calling it—does a person come in contact with his or her own direct knowingness. And only out of this direct knowingness is sovereignty born, one’s own inner authority.” —Cynthia Bourgeault

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My Intention for the World

It’s hard to hear the news and not go down the rabbit hole of things you don’t agree with, are fearful of, or get angry at. What you focus on you tend to create and attract more of. Focusing on what you don’t want only gives it power.
So, I’ve been asking myself what do I want for the world. Here it is:

Intention for the World

There is only one God, one Life flowing through each of us, through every animal, bird, tree, mountain, the ocean, sky, the Earth, the Universe.

We and our leaders have a reverence for all life.

Everyone’s personal freedom is honored.

We find ways to live with diversity, knowing it is an expression of our love for who we are, the source of creativity, and the way we each express our purpose here on earth.

Love is our motivator. We seek wisdom not just knowledge.

We understand we are all connected, interdependent and seek to understand the nature and laws of the Universe. We collaborate.

We actively support the health and well-being of everyone, all ages.

We find creative ways to help all people find their own power, purpose and agency.

Everyone has healthy food, clean water and air, clothing and shelter.

We measure our success by the level of happiness, peace and joy we embody and share with others.

This is my intention. I focus on it every morning. And then ask the Universe, “What is mine to do?” What is yours?

I was sad

I’m tired
I’m sad
I’m sad so many friends are seriously sick and/or dying
I’m sad so many politicians would rather destroy people than debate ideas.
I’m sad that we’re still killing people all over the world in the name of war.
I’m sad that we think you can win a war.
I’m sad that 70% of the women in Ghana are still disfigured through genital mutilation (FGM)
I’m sad that our politicians think they should impose their beliefs on the rest of us
I’m sad that CEOs make 200 times what their workers do and their salaries increased 13% while salaried workers only rose 4%
I’m sad that too many men still think they must control women to be truly “a man”
I’m sad that we’re destroying life on this planet
I’m sad that love hurts
I’m sad people are homeless, education is biased towards the rich, food deserts are real
I’m sad clean water, air and a healthy planet are not a priority
I’m sad I can’t always see the gifts I’ve been given
I’m sad because I still think I should be able to fix things
I’m sad because I don’t know what to do

I could go on, but I know I’m missing the whole truth
There are good people every where
There are kind and compassionate ones who volunteer their time, talent or treasure to benefit others
God, Divine intelligence and Divine Love, is everywhere in everyone and in everything.

I need to remember I’m not in charge of the Universe (thank goodness)
But I can choose to Love…have a reverence for all life and remember to respect the life in front of me
And maybe, the most important thing…. I can just Smile more

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