
Beliefs about the world,
God and ourselves
Shaping our lives
coloring our perceptions
determining our experience

Some beliefs known
others lying hidden
in cellular memory
to be unraveled
like a Gordian Knot

Slowly cutting the string
they’re brought to light
where in consciousness,
examined, we can decide
Is it true?

I’ve been in touch with the power of our beliefs for some time. Beliefs influence our perception, both what what we see and how we see it. And, as a result, beliefs determine our experience of things.

I’ve known my belief “themes”, for lack of a better word, for some time. Mainly “I’m not good enough” and “I can’t play with the ‘big guys’.” I’ve learned with help to see the consequences of such beliefs, e.g., self-sabotage, self doubt…. But I never felt a real shift.

Recently, in my work with visioning and meditation (translation, a form of prayer and listening to the small voice within), I received the core of what’s been driving me: “I was rejected by family, God, it was a done deal, there’s no use trying.”
Note: My family would be horrified to know what conclusions I came to as a very young girl. I’ve long sense done the work of understanding and forgiving those involved. Still, the belief was operating out of sight in my cellular memory. It’s what unrecognized beliefs do.

So, when this belief came to me and resonated so deeply, I knew it was what’s been driving me. With the consciousness I hold now, I could see it is not true and never was. I feel lighter. It has lost its power over me.

We all have stories. We all have hidden beliefs. I want to testify that we can be free of them. Be free to love more fully ourselves and others. And so it is.


  1. Thank you for sharing your authentic self 🙏

  2. I love noticing and investigating my beliefs. You were my first introduction to Byron Katie when you sent me a chapter of one of her books. I use those 4 questions daily. I hope there is a way I can tell you what a difference you and Joseph made in my ability and willingness to investigate my beliefs. Thank you, Barbara and Joseph, my forever teachers.

  3. Lee Ann Austin says

    We seem to be on the same path as far as the spiritual work being done. My dream time has recently healed me by showing me the driving belief I have been exercising and the healing awareness I now possess through my conscious time with God and All That Is. ” I care about me more than I care about you, DAD.” Dad was busy trying me get my sympathy in the dream, a life long pattern. I didn’t give it and, more importantly, I didn’t feel guilty for loving me. I told him with clarity and goodwill. He disappeared from the dream. Good practice as this slavery has been generalized to all men and people in positions of authority during my life. I FEEL LIBERATED AND LIGHT AS A FEATHER.

    Thank you and Joseph for the examples and the coaching over the years. My lesson is, ” I take good loving care of me and that includes spending much time alone with God and All That Is during my meditations daily. courage is my power and awareness is my method.

  4. Yes. And thank you.