
I’m mad that you are not getting it.
Can’t you see the pattern?
Over and over again?
Getting the same results?
Running won’t get you anywhere.
You need to dig deep and find the
courage to face his lies about you.
To trust you aren’t what he tells you,
not even what you tell yourself.
Dad’s winning
I am so angry, so helpless.
Three glasses of wine aren’t helping.
What do I do?
Where’s my center?
It’s my pattern over
and over again.
We are joined at the hip.


  1. “Be still and know” the truth continues to unfold from that still-point. That point is the true center of your being.

  2. Lee Ann Austin says

    The Master sees things as they are and
    does not try to control them.
    She lets them go their own way
    and resides in the center.

    Be still and know that I am God. Listen to the still small voice within. from the Bible

    Leave the wine in the bottle. Be with the cat and the birdsong and your breathe. Breath in the new and breath out the old. Breath in and count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 hold your breath for the same count and release slowly counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Repeat. Repeat and repeat.

    I love myself, therefor, I dwell in the center of infinity where all is perfect, whole and complete. I AM one with God and all that is. I am not my feelings or my thoughts. The past is past, gone, does not exist except in memory form. I love you, Barbara. Love your self.

    I am emailing you directions on expressive writing to heal emotional distress separately from this. Also, I have begun banging on my feather pillow and screaming words or sounds into it each morning. The feeling is exhilerating and cathartic.