Surrounded by time, what effect does it have?

Growing up, we had one clock in the kitchen. Adults had wrist watches.

This past Sunday, it was Spring Forward, or daylight savings time here in Ohio.time I checked our radio controlled clocks. Then, as I manually started to change the others, it hit me: I’m surrounded by clocks. A wall clock in the kitchen, a clock in the living room, a clock in each of our offices, two alarm clocks (his and hers) in our bedroom, clocks in each bathroom, then of course the ones built-in to the microwave, stove, computer, iPhone, car dashboard…

What does being surrounded by reminders of time do to us?…time passing; time lost (hurry! going to be late); time to be utilized (guess I can squeeze in one more thing before the next appointment).

time2Does the constant reminder create a subtle urgency; a need to “get on with it already!” What ever it is?

There’s evidence that losing the hour with daylight savings time negatively affects our health, disrupts our sleep and results in more accidents. But I’m beginning to feel that the whole emphasis on time is even more insidious. It pulls us away from our direct, sensuous, enjoyment and experience of life. Our attention instead is constantly pulled outward to the next thing to be done.

So I ask myself, “What clocks could I live without?” Maybe I’ll start small. Today, the bathroom clock is going to the basement.






Fixing isn’t always what I want

Two years ago a candle melted on our fireplace stone mantle. I tried everything anyone suggested to get it up. I scraped, ironed over a brown paper bag to soak up excess wax, used degreasers, and finally carburetor cleaner to get the oily stain out. All suggestions were unsuccessful, many gave me a headache.DSC02414 - Version 2

I explored going to a local stone place to replace the worse section but I’m not doing it. Seeing the stain still bothers me!  WHY am I not taking action?

As I was berating myself for not getting it off my “to do” list the other day, it dawned on me:  I was solving a problem, not creating something I wanted. Yes, the stain bothered me, but I don’t particularly like the mantle. There is no energy around fixing it.  I’d fallen into the trap of fixing a problem (I really should…) vs. creating what I want.

So now I’m exploring what a different mantle might look like. I’ll create it or decide to live with what I have. Either way it’ll be a clean choice and will free energy that’s been trapped in the “I’ve got to get this fixed” mode for the past two years.
Creating works! Shoulds?…Well, not so much.

choosing life

Last Sunday, Rev. Linda asked if we were people who engaged life or people who preferred to watch it on TV. 

I thought about the fact that although we are creators, most of us are lulled into amnesia by the stress of life. Too often we don’t see the choices we make that wear us out and move us away from what we care about. Instead, we tell ourselves we  “have to”  (fill in the blank).

Click here to read a great example of one man’s realization of how he reacted to externals and the impact it had on one of the most important events in in his life.  (from HBR Blog Network, Greg McKeown, If You Don’t Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will,   8:00 AM June 28, 2012

Are you a creator if you make coffee in the morning?

If so what did you create? 

A product? Maybe a simple cup of coffee, using your coffee pot, grounds, and filter?  Maybe an elaborate cappuccino from a shiny machine?
An experience?
Perhaps contentment as you linger at your favorite coffee shop reading the paper?  Or maybe comfort as you sip the warm brew while leisurely checking your email. Or maybe stress, as you absentmindedly drink, answering your cell phone and driving to work?

If your life is composed of a million such creations, what do they add up to?

Is there one thing  you create on a regular basis that you could change to bring more of what you want into your life?

After all, if you are not the creator of your life, who is? And what you get may just start with how you do coffee in the morning!Smile