Embracing it all

I didn’t expect the anger
Memorial Day
I finally got it
I was alone
I didn’t like it.

I was surprised
thought I was done
moving forward,
instead was pushing
down what I hated.

beneath me.
I removed myself
slightly, from life

Denial can’t coexist
with life, pulls you away.
I starting dropping things
worrying about decisions
blind to the growing congestion.

Until I could feel….I’m angry,
and just let it be – no more, no less.
Experiencing life
simply as it is,
Enjoying the ride.


This  poem/prayer came to me in my meditation after a struggle with that part of me that always wants to get it right, the “I’m supposed to be better than this…” part of me. Each line speaks to me though they aren’t words I would have chosen.

Back strong.
Heart open.
No begging.
No collapsing in.
Grace flows.
Just because.
You are His.

I say it when I start to forget how blessed I am. I say it when I remember my intention to keep my heart open to Divine guidance and then to actually follow it. I say it when I feel myself start to physically slump, caving in on myself. I say it when the old “I’m not good enough” belief vies for my attention.

I share this as a reminder. We always get what we need often in surprising forms.


No longer used
his bookcase is gone.
Space waiting.

The futility of clinging.
has happened.

“Peaceful Form” by Thomas A. Yano

Life’s flow
rearranges things…
Always creating anew.

The emerging Self
begins to surface.
Found treasure.


Words don’t comfort me
My sense of self is fading
My mind stalls
Fear of rejection,
need for approval
seep out in the confusion.

I know this is a test.
Giving up or standing
in the truth of who
I am beyond conditioning,
beyond the fears ,
beyond the comfortable.

Trust ….I never used to
Now I do but still…….
I’m restless
How hard can it be
to rewire a brain? a heart?
a life?

A period of dormancy – a seed waiting:
“It turns out that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to grow into a hundred-year-old tree: there are only ways that work and ways that do not.

A seed knows how to wait. Most seeds wait for at least a year before starting to grow; a cherry seed can wait for a hundred years with no problem. What exactly each seed is waiting for is known only to that seed. Some unique trigger-combination of temperature-moisture-light and many other things is required to convince a seed to jump off the deep end and take its chance—to take its one and only chance to grow…

…When you are in the forest, for every tree that you see, there are at least a hundred more trees waiting in the soil, alive and fervently wishing to be…
from “Lab Girl “ by Hope Jehren


Thanks to Improvised Life for this reminder: https://www.improvisedlife.com/2016/06/13/the-secret-treasure-within-lab-girl/

Nine months

In some traditions
Nine is completion.
For the Hebrews
nine is a symbol of truth.
When multiplied, nine
always reproduces itself.

For me, nine has meant
a shift…to what I don’t know.
But something has changed.
I still want him beside me,
so much I can feel him.
He grows inside me.

Still, something has changed,
beyond my knowing.
I stay alert for clues, seek
guidance in the mundane
listen to the whispers of truth
floating on the wind.

Alert, aware, curious
nine months makes a baby
nine months ends a cycle
opening to what is and
what is to come –
nine, the number of magic.

You can feel a shift before you can define it or understand it. I’ve learned when you feel, the key is to pay attention. Stay in the heart/body, away from your head. What a strange journey life is. How unpredictable is the way grief unfolds and shape shifts. And how mystical is rebirth.

Source: https://mysticalnumbers.com/number-9/

Garage Door Windows or not?

Sometimes windows aren’t
just windows.
It’s the choice between
seeing out
vs. closing out
Feeling safe
vs. warding off prying eyes
vs. dark.

Simple decisions sometimes aren’t.

Living unafraid
vs. being prudent
Going for it
vs. the right decision
vs. ……

Symbols reflect values.
Embracing life
rejoicing in the world as it is
seeing all of it…
Windows will win out.


I resist all the endings
the last joint tax return
vanishing the tools

fear that if the physical
is gone so will be
his memory that now rests

in my heart.
Not rational
but then fear isn’t.

It lays under
the ordinaries of life
as you work to move on,

Reminding you
life will never
be the same.


Thoughts of you
love, intense fire
missing you
until I remember
the deeper truth.

I carry that love,
your reflection of
the sacred
in that small space
in my heart, my soul.

You now connect me
when I forget who I am
forget who we all are
my connection to Source
our connection forever.


Note: formerly published at Medium in response to a writing prompt:

“Love will find a way” from the Dancing Princesses musical.

My New Year resolution:

To choose each morning to
listen for Love’s guidance
To choose to remember
the Divine in all of us,
To remember that
God does not mess with us

Rather we just get lost :
Taking in the words of others
Replaying memories that bind
letting looming fears freeze us cold.
Making judgments and comparisons
separating ourselves from ourselves
and from others.

Instead I choose to remember:
God whispers in our hearts giving us the next step
Saying “what’s real is only what is here now”
released from the drama of the past
and the fears of what’s not yet happened
Joy hovers in the quiet space of now
Play your part, let the rest go
Trust Me
Love will find a way.

I feel this is a sacred time for me. As opposed to rushing in and filling my time, I’m allowing myself to go slowly. To listen to what I really want to do and to not do things just because I’m asked or they show up. In a way, the project I’m dedicated to is my own becoming. The major shifts in my life over the past 4 years have shaken things up. And I’m realizing what a gift that can be. To life: its beauty, complexity and possibilities!


I was invited to join them for Christmas
but this family time feels too intimate
to barge in on. Yes, it’s me holding back.
Haven’t gotten my sea legs under me
to enter into new adventures with others.

Instead I’ll allow the quiet to surround me
Reconnect with myself
Find out what I do when I don’t have to do anything
Figure out how I can invite others in…
Yes…it’s time to reconnect with the one.