Nine months

In some traditions
Nine is completion.
For the Hebrews
nine is a symbol of truth.
When multiplied, nine
always reproduces itself.

For me, nine has meant
a shift…to what I don’t know.
But something has changed.
I still want him beside me,
so much I can feel him.
He grows inside me.

Still, something has changed,
beyond my knowing.
I stay alert for clues, seek
guidance in the mundane
listen to the whispers of truth
floating on the wind.

Alert, aware, curious
nine months makes a baby
nine months ends a cycle
opening to what is and
what is to come –
nine, the number of magic.

You can feel a shift before you can define it or understand it. I’ve learned when you feel, the key is to pay attention. Stay in the heart/body, away from your head. What a strange journey life is. How unpredictable is the way grief unfolds and shape shifts. And how mystical is rebirth.



I resist all the endings
the last joint tax return
vanishing the tools

fear that if the physical
is gone so will be
his memory that now rests

in my heart.
Not rational
but then fear isn’t.

It lays under
the ordinaries of life
as you work to move on,

Reminding you
life will never
be the same.

Do you want extraordinary?

A recent post on Improvised Life highlighted the work of Kate Conklin, a performance coacaeralists-Cirque-du-Soleilh. She asks the question: What are the qualities that make a performance extraordinary? What are the things that happen that make both the performer and the audience feel like they’re flying? …like these aeralists from Cirque-du-Soleil.

Well the answer, she found out was not just in the desire  but in the work that follows. Deep down, what  do we care enough about, desire enough to, as Kate says, “Respond to that desire and do the work to support that response.”

It led me to wonder, how many of us really want extraordinary? extraordinary lives, work, relationships….

Hard and persistent work in service of what we want is not what most of us want to hear. We want easy answers, magic pills, miracles.   It’s OK but chances are it won’t be enough for the Universe to deliver the result we want….and without a shift, we’ll settle for mediocrity, for less.

So, I sit pondering, “What do I want?” Want enough to do whatever it takes?

And if nothing comes, I wonder, what is that all about?

Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future

I am fascinated with the creating processHere’s a new book that I believe makes a major contribution to describing the creating process.

Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future
Leonard A. Schlesinger
(Author), Charles F. Kiefer (Author), Paul B. Brown (Contributor)

Today more and more of what we do involves navigating in unknown territory. Traditional planning processes that assume a predictable environment are ill suited  for what we encounter when trying something new or just living in this rapidly changing world. Based on studies and interviews with entrepreneurs, the authors conclude that the creActive process (their term) involves basically three steps.

“1. Desire. Find or think of something you want. …you don’t need a lot of passion; you only need sufficient desire to get started….

2. Take a smart step as quickly as you can. As you will see, a smart step has its own three-part logic as well.

  • Act quickly with the means at hand—i.e. what you know, who you know, and anything else that’s available.
  •  Stay within your acceptable loss. Make sure the cost of that smart step (in terms of time, money, reputation, and so on) is never more than you are willing to lose should things not work out.
  • Bring others along to acquire more resources; spread the risk, and confirm the quality of your idea.

3. Build on what you have learned from taking that step.”

( from Chapter One: What to Do When You Can’t Predict the Future)

If this feels familiar it may be because it is something we’ve all done. Understanding everything involved in the steps is still a challenge. You can order the book  by clicking here: Just Start: Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future