
When a woman screams
during childbirth.
Does she need healing?

Her life has certainly
changed forever, in ways
beyond imagination.

When a woman keens the
loss of a child,
Is it healing she needs?

Loss isn’t a wound
you put salve on
and the skin grows back.

Loss is a space
A void that pulls you
into a reordering of life

Without him, who am I?
How do I spend my time?
Who do I tell my secrets to?

The cycle of life forces us
to detach, to remember
our deeper truth

To reach up or in
To reconnect with the Love
that is not dependent on form.

Grief is a mini death that
brings us home to anchor,
to remember what’s important

Grief strips us,
and then connects us
to each other and to God


  1. Beautiful. ❤️ Thank you.

  2. Debbie Call says

    Exquisitely profound, Barbara. ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you for sharing your experience, Barbara. You are helping me to remember mine, when it was fresh. Especially the part about who I tell my secrets to. And there are parts of my life, that only my partner shared with me. So no one else ever knew about them. Realizing that was a new pang for me.

    Sharing your process is good for all of us. Thank you.

  4. Lee Ann Austin says

    Grief handled well increases our own ability to love and to have empathy and to give compassion. The process is not linear, it is organic and must be gone through with much presence of heart and mind integrated. Everyone has their own pace.

  5. Jenny Stanton says

    ” Loss is a space” that is a great description.

  6. Kathleen says

    So beautifully said – truth from your heart.

  7. Joy Hart says

    This is so well articulated and so true. Thank you for sharing your process.

  8. Faith Lester says

    Thank you Barbara. Honoring your sacred loss, I am blessed. Witnessing your sacred process, I am honored. Blessings to you as you grieve your losses.