How You See

Humor me and look at this picture. What do you see? What is it? What could it be?

When a friend and I first saw this earring, it looked like a tiny figure with big ears.
Or maybe, I thought, a ceremonial figure with a headdress on.
“Odd choice for an earring,“ we thought.

Then, I turned it.

Suddenly, it looked like a rabbit. We laughed.
Which is right? Maybe either. Maybe neither.

What you think is dependent on your sensory input and experience. What you see depends on how and from where you’re viewing it. Your thoughts are limited by your perspective. It is not the whole truth. If we could remember this maybe we could stay curious.

And maybe we might learn something.


  1. Absolutely!!

  2. Love this, Barb.

  3. Kathleen M Matthews says

    Stay curious – yes!

  4. Lee Ann Austin says

    curious if you wear them upside down

  5. Ohhh yeahhh ….