Now is the time to anchor!

In the whirlwind of change
Stand tall
Root in the Earth
Breath into your heart
Feel inward.

From this place
Open your eyes
And see.

When drawn out of yourself by another’s fears, the events, pain of the world, pull back into your own center.

Your gift to the world is you
Rooted in what is true.
Your inner knowing
Connected to the Universal Truth.

Cultivate presence, meditate, contemplate life, pray, dance, sing, walk in nature…..
Now is the time.


  1. Kathleen M Matthews says


  2. Lee Ann Austin says

    Yes. Baking pumpkin Bundt cakes today with Aunt Inez’s grater. Annual Fall anchor. Already changed the clocks except the sundial. Being present is rich and tasty

  3. Debbie Call says

    Beautifully said! ♥️♥️🥰

  4. beautiful! thank you for sharing ❤️

  5. Yes …