Old haunts and hauntings

I drive down 31E through Ky
into TN remembering the lush
farmlands, the quiet countryside,
and I feel him beside me.

I go to WPAF Base to reassure
myself that my military ID is still good.
I walk the aisles of the Commissary
and I feel him, hear his commentary.

The “Old Haunts” where we were
Just together, doing everyday things.
His presence, I feel it, and then
my mind reminds me that will change.

The memory will fade.
The feeling of him will dissipate
as if he’s merely a ghost haunting me.
Stop! I bring myself back into now.

I let him be here with me.
I give up trying to know, as least
for a nano second, what’s next.
I stop trying to make sense of it all.

Right now it is enough to
feel my love for him
from him
and let it be.


  1. Lee Ann Austin says

    I feel his presence and I do it on purpose. The spiritual world is real. I respectfully disagree with your ” mind” knowing ” that will change”. By accessing anyone or anything via Love and by being down in your body where you can connect with God and All That Is, nothing ever really changes because it already IS. I am grateful to know you are being with Joseph. I spent a full hour with him yesterday, very sublime. Not only have you the 38+ years of memories together, you have the spiritual practice of being able to be present and conscious, which gives you the rest of time together if that is what you desire. Love and Power to you, Barbara Sliter.