One Earring

One earring lost
Always from a favorite pair
The one “left behind” a tease
Reminding me of what was

There’s always the hope you’ll find it. This one has to be in the house. Or does it? How long have I been walking around with one earring? Does anyone notice? Why is it always my favorite pair? Why does this happen!!!!

Simplistically, maybe the answer is “Hey you, be more careful!”
But maybe, the loss is a reminder that the things you love can disappear at any time.
It’s a reminder to slow down, to really see & enjoy, to pay attention.

Life is precious. Even little things are gifts. May I take the time to enjoy, appreciate, to love…. May I take nothing for granted, even my earings.

After I wrote this blog, I received this from a dear friend:
“No amount of regret changes the past.
No amount of anxiety changes the future.
Any amount of gratitude changes the present.”

Where there is no vision the people perish.

— Proverbs 29:18


  1. Great perspective on life!

  2. Love this! I acquired quite a collection of lost pair favorites. Then one day I asked myself why not team them up with new partners? Why assume their usefulness is done? Ya, what we love can quickly and unpredictably disappear. And sometimes the loss opens up something new. Thank you for this lovely piece.

  3. Lee Ann Austin says

    I wear my two survivors together and nobody has ever noticed they don’t match. I lost them both doing the same thing, flipping off my visor along with one of the earrings. I like what you made of the metaphor. Love.

  4. I love this. And about the earrings, I knew someone who purposely wore two different earrings. I might try it.