Our heart is also our personal GPS

We know the heart is a muscle that pumps blood through our bodies. But it turns out, in addition to being a physical pump, the heart generates an  electromagnetic field that extends out from the heart itself. The more coherent the field’s sine-wave, the greater our intuitive ability, our creative responses in situations and our sense of well-being. Learning to generate a more coherent field is an important skill for those interested in being effective creators. At the heart of creating is the ability to chose our responses and what we want in life vs. reacting to situations and the opinions of others.

How does heart coherence work? “Now researchers theorize that the energetic heart functions as a “receiving station” through which nonlinear information couples to the physical heart (The Energetic Heart). By intentionally engaging sincere heart feelings like love, care, appreciation and compassion, participants in studies have been able to generate a coherent or sine-wave like heart-rhythm pattern. HeartMath theorizes that the more coherent people are, the more receptive they become to this field of intuitive heart intelligence.” from HeartMath.org.

The energetic heart is our personal GPS system for choosing wisely, reducing stress and achieving results we care about.

There are simple tools you can use to tap the power of your own energetic heart. But like all things of value, you have to practice them and, remember to use them. Simple doesn’t mean no effort. But with practice you can live with less stress, be more effective in your choices and positively affect those around you. Not bad!


  1. Thanks, Barb, great article. In our qigong practice we first relax completely and then “open our hearts.” For me it’s a visceral experience and I immediately feel positive energy coursing through me. It doesn’t really take discipline to do this every day; it feels so good I’d miss it if I missed a day of practice. Sending loving energy to you right now. XOXO