
If I see one more
“Vote No” sign
For the issue
I hold so dear
I will scream

I go into my head
And make up rebuttals
Brilliant ones
That show
the hypocrisy
of the other

I’m trapped
in this world
of separation

This is the paradox of living in a world of cause and effect. One where we create and, at the same time, are affected by the creations of others. What we control is our state of being. Can I be at peace in the midst of something? Or, am I controlled by the actions and manipulations of others.

Anger can bring one to take action. But it can also, as we continue to tell stories about what triggered our anger, bring us to rage, violence, hatred, and of course my favorite, self-righteousness.

I’m learning that when you come from love and being centered, you can still say “no”, “enough” “stop!” And you can still see the other as part of the One, which they are. You are energetically connected, you’re impacting each other. Don’t turn them into that separate “Other” and think your anger doesn’t hurt them or isn’t hurting you.

So, when I go off in my head, I learning to shift to my center by: breathing more consciously, repeating a mantra I learned a long time ago, humming, by thinking of my cat curled in my lap or, just by smiling.

These days there are plenty of opportunities to practice shifting to being centered. And each time I do, I believe I’m contributing to the kind of world I want to see. I’m being the kind of person I want to be.


  1. Ohhhh, yes! I love this!! And I want to know: what’s the mantra you repeat? Mine is, ‘what would Love have me do?’

  2. Kathleen M Matthews says

    Love this, Barbara! And Self-Righteous is also my ‘favorite’ 🙂
    Yes, opportunities abound. And you have once again spoken so very clearly to the issues, and to a path to clarity and to love. Thank you!

  3. Debbie Call says

    Beautifully said, Barb, and a great reminder for all of us!

  4. Beth Taylor says

    Thank you! I needed this!

  5. Kathy Kelly says

    Shifting and breathing, and sometimes I say Knock It Off Kathy! Hearing my own voice can often stop the craziness.

  6. Lee Ann Austin says

    Go on and scream. It will do you good. I’ve been practicing forgiveness ie the REACH system. The centering effect is monumental for understanding myself and others. I appreciate what you say about how our anger can hurt ourselves and others. My own inner peace is most important I’m intentional about letting things go and holding things with compassion. I’ve spent much time energized by my own anger and it is counterproductive. I notice myself doing it and switch to a happy image in my mind. Or I go sitt petting my big dog. We are all transforming via love. It’s a 4- letter word