No longer used
his bookcase is gone.
Space waiting.
The futility of clinging.
has happened.
Life’s flow
rearranges things…
Always creating anew.
The emerging Self
begins to surface.
Found treasure.
-- a journey into awareness
You are on the cusp of change. Do you make that job shift? Do you sell the house? Can you envision living without them? Retirement becomes a reality; work receding into the background. The stock market once again prunes the money tree you thought would bear you fruit.
The unknown looms ahead.
At times like this, it’s good to be reminded that life isn’t something we lockstep through. Security and predictability are perhaps not meant to be.
Traveler, there is no path.
The path is made by walking.
Traveller, the path is your tracks
And nothing more.
Traveller, there is no path
The path is made by walking.
By walking you make a path
And turning, you look back
At a way you will never tread again
Traveller, there is no road
Only wakes in the sea.”
― Antonio Machado, Border of a Dream: Selected Poems
It is in living life that we are blessed, engaging in the ultimate adventure. Life tests us, demands we grow, learn and become more. The challenge is always, can we be present to it? Can we allow the flow even when it looks like going over Niagara Falls, or feels like we might run aground, or maybe even worse, stagnate going no where.
Can we find the rainbow? Or, better yet …can we let it find us?
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