
Life gives us challenges and gifts
Sometimes in the same package
Teaching us what’s important
Showing us who we are
The Life we didn’t plan
I’m thankful.

Today is Thanksgiving, a day to speak out loud all that I’ve been blessed with.
As I look back, look around, I know my life has been guided by a Wisdom greater than my own. I’m more at peace, happier, and more present than I ever thought possible. Through the hard times and the many, many, many times I was less than perfect, I know I was guided.

I’ve come to believe there is a Divine plan. I’ve had help from so many teachers and friends. There were all those serendipitous interactions that unexpectedly gave me what I needed or that steered me in a certain direction I could have missed.

May I continue to let go of what no longer serves me, and more importantly, what was never true to begin with. May I let go of my investment in myself, and rest in the awareness of our interdependence and oneness (in God, the Divine, Jesus, Love….).

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Things I’m learning to appreciate about “Social Distancing”

Six feet and Staying Home
  1. I don’t have to wear a bra.
  2. I can eat garlic and not worry about offending people.
  3. I’m getting phone calls from people consciously connecting.
  4. I’m seeing other people when I walk.
  5. Toilet paper.
  6. I don’t need to wear a watch.
  7. I can participate intentionally with groups praying for the health and well-being of everyone, for the world!
  8. My kitchen floor is now clean.
  9. I can curl up with a book and a glass of wine and be content.
  10. I can take classes online with others via Zoom etc.. I’m learning a way to interact across space/distance, a new tool.

I’m grateful for all that I have, for the good I am seeing and learning about as people respond to the needs in their community.

And, I’m grateful for the chance again to contemplate the reality that I will die someday. And most importantly, I’m remembering to appreciate and enjoy each day that I have.