Flying Geese and Creators

A single goose can’t fly into a headwind over long distances. When flying South,  a goose instinctively knows it can’t get where it’s going by itself; a goose needs the group. If you’ve ever been on a bicycle riding into the wind you understand the problem. Its hard work  and it wears you out. So you see bicyclists doing the same thing as geese. They ride together and take turns being out front; the others tuck in behind the front person who’s taking the brunt of the wind, creating an”uplift” of sorts for those following.

Flying geese are often used as a metaphor for shared leadership. but perhaps they’re a better metaphor for what it takes to achieve something that is difficult and will take a long time. You need a group!

I think mastermind groups serve that purpose for individuals working on new ventures. They support each other when someone starts losing energy. They remind a person when they drift off course. In a complex, uncertain world I suspect using groups for support and collaboration will become common practice.

Being a creator does not mean you have to work alone.