Things I’m learning to appreciate about “Social Distancing”

Six feet and Staying Home
  1. I don’t have to wear a bra.
  2. I can eat garlic and not worry about offending people.
  3. I’m getting phone calls from people consciously connecting.
  4. I’m seeing other people when I walk.
  5. Toilet paper.
  6. I don’t need to wear a watch.
  7. I can participate intentionally with groups praying for the health and well-being of everyone, for the world!
  8. My kitchen floor is now clean.
  9. I can curl up with a book and a glass of wine and be content.
  10. I can take classes online with others via Zoom etc.. I’m learning a way to interact across space/distance, a new tool.

I’m grateful for all that I have, for the good I am seeing and learning about as people respond to the needs in their community.

And, I’m grateful for the chance again to contemplate the reality that I will die someday. And most importantly, I’m remembering to appreciate and enjoy each day that I have.

Depression Landing

Mortality haunts me.
At a time I need
to reach out
I’m shrinking.

I pull away from
Fear of loss?
Illness seems
to surround me
Another one down.

Loss hangs in the air
reflected in the unsteady
steps of those I
would love.

I need to resurrect
my curiosity, my interest
in the world
But its decay saddens me.
Relationships take time
to nurture and deepen.

I should buck up
move on, instead,
lost in the mundane
I’m disappearing.