My Intention for the World

It’s hard to hear the news and not go down the rabbit hole of things you don’t agree with, are fearful of, or get angry at. What you focus on you tend to create and attract more of. Focusing on what you don’t want only gives it power.
So, I’ve been asking myself what do I want for the world. Here it is:

Intention for the World

There is only one God, one Life flowing through each of us, through every animal, bird, tree, mountain, the ocean, sky, the Earth, the Universe.

We and our leaders have a reverence for all life.

Everyone’s personal freedom is honored.

We find ways to live with diversity, knowing it is an expression of our love for who we are, the source of creativity, and the way we each express our purpose here on earth.

Love is our motivator. We seek wisdom not just knowledge.

We understand we are all connected, interdependent and seek to understand the nature and laws of the Universe. We collaborate.

We actively support the health and well-being of everyone, all ages.

We find creative ways to help all people find their own power, purpose and agency.

Everyone has healthy food, clean water and air, clothing and shelter.

We measure our success by the level of happiness, peace and joy we embody and share with others.

This is my intention. I focus on it every morning. And then ask the Universe, “What is mine to do?” What is yours?