I was sad

I’m tired
I’m sad
I’m sad so many friends are seriously sick and/or dying
I’m sad so many politicians would rather destroy people than debate ideas.
I’m sad that we’re still killing people all over the world in the name of war.
I’m sad that we think you can win a war.
I’m sad that 70% of the women in Ghana are still disfigured through genital mutilation (FGM)
I’m sad that our politicians think they should impose their beliefs on the rest of us
I’m sad that CEOs make 200 times what their workers do and their salaries increased 13% while salaried workers only rose 4%
I’m sad that too many men still think they must control women to be truly “a man”
I’m sad that we’re destroying life on this planet
I’m sad that love hurts
I’m sad people are homeless, education is biased towards the rich, food deserts are real
I’m sad clean water, air and a healthy planet are not a priority
I’m sad I can’t always see the gifts I’ve been given
I’m sad because I still think I should be able to fix things
I’m sad because I don’t know what to do

I could go on, but I know I’m missing the whole truth
There are good people every where
There are kind and compassionate ones who volunteer their time, talent or treasure to benefit others
God, Divine intelligence and Divine Love, is everywhere in everyone and in everything.

I need to remember I’m not in charge of the Universe (thank goodness)
But I can choose to Love…have a reverence for all life and remember to respect the life in front of me
And maybe, the most important thing…. I can just Smile more

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