Will the real self stand up

Different identities
They rise up

There’s the fearful one
The controller
The loyal wife
The caretaker

All reactive
Ego driven

The Observer
says “return to
Center, sit in silence,

So who’s Dying here
Who’s letting go?

His life ebbs
But mine is torn
Stripped as
mini deaths

Force me to Truth
His life, God’s life

One life, our life
It directs us,
guides us
If we Listen

How to stay in that
Knowing that flow

Is this my lesson?
His gift to me
Even as he lies there


  1. I have privately wondered if Joseph is waiting for your approaching wedding anniversary…..though your lives were already entwined by that day. Even as we understand Joe’s choice and timing, our hearts want to cry out, “Wait! Not yet! Don’t go!” Our memories will have to be enough, once we have traveled the path through pain and loss.
    Feeling the sorrow. Love you!

  2. Kathleen says


  3. Jenny Stanton says

    I am thinking about you and Joseph with much love. You are on a sacred journey together.

  4. Lee Ann Austin says
